We are currently accepting applications.
Columbus Classical Academy (CCA) is a private classical school in central Ohio, serving grades K-9, adding a grade each year through grade twelve. CCA is a Hillsdale College Curriculum School.
Columbus Classical Academy inculcates in our students, through a genuine and rigorous classical education in the liberal arts and sciences, the knowledge and virtue upon which independent, responsible, and joyful lives are built, in the firm belief that such lives are the foundation of a free and flourishing republic.
We are currently accepting applications.
We are actively hiring. Please get in touch if you are interested in working at Columbus Classical Academy.
“True education consists in teaching children to make use of their freedom.”
~ Pére Jacques
Thank you for your willingness to invest in the formation of wise and virtuous American citizens at Columbus Classical Academy. Columbus Classical Academy is incorporated as a non-profit entity in the State of Ohio and is recognized as a 501(c)(3) entity by the IRS (EIN 88-2145735). As such, your gift may qualify as a charitable deduction for tax purposes to the extent the law permits.
The Veritas Society is a special group of individuals, families and organizations that invest in The Annual Fund at the highest levels providing critical funding to fulfill the mission of Columbus Classical Academy.
We invite you to help CCA restore the foundations of good education. Membership in the Veritas Society can be attained by becoming a member of The Virtus Guild ($10,000+) or by investing $1,000 or more in The Annual Fund.
In Ohio, residents can receive a tax credit for contributions up to $750 per individual or $1,500 for married couples filing jointly for their Ohio Income Tax. You will claim this credit when you file your state income tax return.
We have partnered with Every Child Every Family, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation registered with the State of Ohio as a Scholarship Granting Organization. Contributions to Every Child Every Family on Columbus Classical Academy's behalf will be applied to scholarships for qualifying Columbus Classical Academy students.
If you would like to speak in person with our Development Office, you can contact us at:
“Observe well how I pass along this way to the truth you seek, so that in time you may know how to ford the stream alone.”
~Dante, Paradiso