Forming VIRTUE
Schedule a VisitTeaching KNOWLEDGE,
Forming VIRTUE
Schedule a VisitTeaching KNOWLEDGE,
Forming VIRTUE
Schedule a VisitTeaching KNOWLEDGE,
Forming VIRTUE
Schedule a VisitTeaching KNOWLEDGE,
Forming VIRTUE
Schedule a VisitTeaching KNOWLEDGE,
Forming VIRTUE
Schedule a VisitTeaching KNOWLEDGE,
Forming VIRTUE
Schedule a Visit
Searching for a private school centered on knowledge and virtue?
Take a closer look
with our Parent
Information Packet
Cultivating Truth & Virtue
Columbus Classical Academy (CCA) is a private classical school in central Ohio, serving grades K-10, adding a grade each year through grade twelve. CCA is a Hillsdale College Curriculum School.

CCA instills values based on what is objectively good and true. Simply put, CCA feeds the soul of the child.
Upper School Family
The curriculum is completely transparent and screen-free. We love knowing exactly what our children are learning in the classroom.
Lower School Family
The faculty and staff at CCA are not only masters of the subject matter they teach, they are incredible examples of how to live a life of virtue and character.
Upper School Family