No 1:1 technology; no phones, no screens |
Screen & technology dependent |
Fixed & integrated liberal arts curriculum |
Fragmented curriculum dictated by state |
Teacher-led classrooms and instruction |
Student-led and student-driven learning |
Structured, ordered, & systematic |
Fluid, unstructured, & dynamic |
Explicit phonics & grammar instruction |
“Balanced Literacy” approach |
Culture of discipline & decorum built on virtue |
Culture of self-care based on emotion |
High-character, subject-matter expert faculty |
State-licensed and state-trained teachers |
Individual responsibility & accountability |
Group & project-based performance |
Merit grading on a traditional scale |
Equitable grading for effort or “fairness” |
Prioritizes physical education, art & music |
Limited incorporation of “specials” |
No state funding or control |
State funded and regulated |
Read classic literature & primary sources |
Read excerpts & contemporary works |
Transparency and partnership with parents |
Management and limitation of parental role |
Classical, biblical worldview |
Modern, materialist worldview |
Appreciation of high culture and the arts |
Affinity for and adoption of pop culture norms |
Latin required for all students |
Latin not required or not offered at all |
Knowledge and virtue as the goal |
Productivity and good feelings as the goal |