Veritas et Virtus

Daniel Gibson

The Official Blog of Columbus Classical Academy

We conclude our week considering physical education with the motto of the sports company ASICS.  If you’ve ever worn a pair of ASICS shoes or athletic wear, you may have noticed that the brand is in all capital letters.  That’s...

The ancient Greeks were fascinated by the problem of the one and the many: Is the world really one big unified thing, or a bunch of separate things?  This may seem like a purely philosophical question for intellectual speculation—but it...

When does a collection of mere sounds become music?  Have you ever heard an orchestra warming up before a performance?  All the musicians are playing their instruments, tuning them, practicing a few measures of the piece.  You might catch a...

Ever notice how a song gets stuck in your head? How a catchy beat makes you start moving?  Or the way certain songs affect your mood?  There’s something about music that gets inside of you, takes hold of you, makes...

I Met a Dragon Face to FaceBy Jack Prelutsky I met a dragon face to facethe year when I was ten,I took a trip to outer space,I braved a pirate’s den,I wrestled with a wicked troll,and fought a great white shark,I trailed a...

What’s the point of stories?  I mean, why do we bother reading them?  They’re not particularly useful.  Nobody reads Moby Dick as a sailing instruction manual, (although perhaps you could!); or the Chronicles of Narnia to better understand wardrobe furniture;...

Yesterday, we talked about some of the surprising ways science has given us great new inventions: microwaves, antibiotics, x-rays, and more.  But science also has given us atomic bombs, artificial intelligence, and cloning.  So, is scientific progress a good thing...

Scientific breakthroughs often take years or decades of research, directed at a very specific problem or question, frequently led by large teams of scientists who are dedicated to finding an answer.  Engaging in scientific research often is an act of...

Surgeons often tell of how their necks and backs wear out from looking down on patients at the operating table day after day, year after year.  When it comes to the discipline of science, this looking down—the analytical posture—is the...

Yesterday I said that real history is a true story, and that just because it can be told differently doesn’t mean that the truth of history depends on who’s telling it.  Whether you’re reading history or writing it, it takes...

Welcome to Veritas et Virtus, the official blog of Columbus Classical Academy. Here we will share news and reflections on classical education.

Welcome to Veritas et Virtus, the official blog of Columbus Classical Academy. Here we will share news and reflections on classical education.