Veritas et Virtus

Daniel Gibson

The Official Blog of Columbus Classical Academy

Winston Churchill once said, “History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.”  Churchill’s boldness, resolve, and principled leadership as Britain’s Prime Minister during World War II helped to preserve freedom and democracy and to defeat fascism....

This week is a week full of history: today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and also Inauguration Day; and on Thursday we will welcome Hillsdale College professor Dr. Wilfred McClay to the school to give a lecture on the...

What if I told you math is dangerous?  No, not in the sense that the numbers might jump off the page and attack you—but rather, because math is often thought to be the world of absolutes, no exceptions. The Pythagoreans...

Mathematics is a remarkably useful discipline.  It is the foundation of our digital and computing age; essential to the effective application of knowledge in almost every field, from engineering to medicine, economics to physics, from political campaigns to the study...

This week, we will be considering mathematics: what it is, why we study it, how to think about it, major contributions to the field.  So, first of all, what is mathematics?  Of course, we all know that math is the...

Why do you think we have a school uniform?  Is it just the big, bad, adults stifling your individuality and making sure school is a little less fun?  Is it to look old fashioned?  Or something else? Well, one way...

I’ve seen a lot of snow boots that last two days—of course, that’s because we have quite a bit of snow.  Even after the storm, it’s been cold enough that all the snow that hasn’t melted from the work of...

Welcome back.  I trust everyone enjoyed the extra day of rest or play yesterday—see, God really does answer your prayers! But now we’re back at school, and it is 2025; a new year.  I wonder, did your parents make new...

It is exam time for the upper school.  I wonder, have you ever met anybody who enjoys exams?  I suspect probably not; and if so, chances are they are a gifted student who expects to ace all the tests. But...

Well, we’re a week out from break.  I imagine your mind is tempted to head off to vacation early, though there is much to do before we’re done.  Let me encourage you to stay focused for just a bit longer....

Welcome to Veritas et Virtus, the official blog of Columbus Classical Academy. Here we will share news and reflections on classical education.

Welcome to Veritas et Virtus, the official blog of Columbus Classical Academy. Here we will share news and reflections on classical education.