Mathematics, the study of…what exactly?

This week, we will be considering mathematics: what it is, why we study it, how to think about it, major contributions to the field. 

So, first of all, what is mathematics?  Of course, we all know that math is the study of…well, what exactly?  Numbers?  Quantities?  Shapes?  Equations?  It’s actually harder than you think to give a good definition of mathematics.

Before the Renaissance, math was generally divided into just two fields: arithmetic (numbers) and geometry (shapes).  But then came algebra—the study of formulas; and then calculus—the study of continuous functions.

Today, there are no fewer than 63 different, basic fields of mathematics.  Understanding what they are and why they emerged is historically fascinating and intellectually mind-blowing: Did you know that some infinities are bigger than other infinities?  But I won’t get into all that here—I just wanted you to know how complicated it all really is. 

For now, all you really need to know is that math is what your teacher says it is, and in this school, 2+2 still really does equal 4.

Have a wonderful day.

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