Veritas et Virtus

Daniel Gibson

The Official Blog of Columbus Classical Academy

Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote that “[a]ccuracy is the twin brother of honesty; inaccuracy, of dishonesty.”  What did he mean? Well, when we think of being accurate, we may think of math class, and getting an accurate answer.  Or we might think...

Ever notice when you ask your parents or your teachers certain questions—usually big or important or difficult ones—they’re a little careful about how they give you the answer?  Or ever wonder why God gives us the ability to know about...

There are many reasons to be honest in all things, not least of all because it is right and good.  But it is also practical.  Some of you may recall from last year the story of the Boy Who Cried...

Each morning we recite the Columbus Classical Academy Honor Code.  It begins with honesty—“a Columbus Classical Academy student is honest in all things.”  We put it first, in part because we agree with Thomas Jefferson, who said that “Honesty is...

So, we’re here to learn virtue and acquire knowledge.  But, as you might have guessed, it doesn’t happen overnight.  The school year goes until the end of May, so you know it is going to take time and effort.  It...

Well, you survived your first day – well done and welcome back! Yesterday, I told you that your purpose in coming to school is to learn virtue.  But if that’s what this is about, why all the book learning?  Why...

Why are you here?  Yes, I know you’re here because your parents brought you, perhaps even because they made you come against your will.  But that’s why you are physically here.  My question is, why are you here, as in,...

Classical education, done properly, is about love. It is about teaching our scholars to love the right things, in the right way, and in the right order. Indeed, as Augustine tells us, “it is a brief but true definition of...

In a few short hours, our first year together will be over.  You are to be congratulated.  Consider just a bit of what you have achieved: You recited great poetry and speeches in front of the entire school, despite your...

Our seventh and final virtue is charity, or love.  Now, you might think it strange that we would consider the two as one and the same virtue—after all, we can love anything, while charity seems less about love than about...

Welcome to Veritas et Virtus, the official blog of Columbus Classical Academy. Here we will share news and reflections on classical education.

Welcome to Veritas et Virtus, the official blog of Columbus Classical Academy. Here we will share news and reflections on classical education.