The meek and lowly path to fortitude’s highest victory

John Milton writes in Paradise Lost:

Henceforth I learn, that to obey is best,

And love with fear the only God; to walk

As in his presence; ever to observe

His providence; and on him sole depend,

Merciful over all his works, with good

Still overcoming evil, and by small

Accomplishing great things, by things deemed weak

Subverting worldly strong, and worldly wise

By simply meek: that suffering for truth’s sake

Is fortitude to highest victory,

And, to the faithful, death the gate of life;

Taught this by his example, whom I now

Acknowledge my Redeemer ever blest.

The greatest fortitude is often found in the meekest people; the highest victory in the small and lowly.  Don’t confuse fortitude with power.  People, deemed weak and insignificant by the world but who quietly suffer for the truth’s sake, are the ones who have genuine fortitude.

Have a wonderful day.

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